Sonava Tadao
For students who wish to study in Japan, the best way to get started is to learn Japanese language as much as you can when you are in Cambodia, that is how you show your effort and not just words.
1. Why did you choose to study in Japan?
I want to work for a Japanese organization, so I come here wishing to excel in Japanese language in a bilingual environment (I can take both English and Japanese classes in my faculty).
2. How did you prepare Doc and find info before you study in Japan?
I did my own research and found Jasso webpage which includes all universities with English undergraduate degree in Japan. From there, I looked through each university and learned more about their programs. Then I came across Discovery Program for Global Learners at Okayama University, which aligned well with my life and academic interest. All application documents and necessary information can be found on the program’s website.
3. What do you expect to learn or discover in your time abroad?
I expect to communicate well in Japanese, understand their culture, and expand my academic knowledge during my time here.
4. What are excites you about studying abroad?
I think what excited me the most was the landscapes, city, and nature in Japan. They look so much more beautiful in real life than in photos!
5. What advice would you give to another student?
For students who wish to study in Japan, the best way to get started is to learn Japanese language as much as you can when you are in Cambodia, that is how you show your effort and not just words. Also, learn about different academic disciplines to find what you are really interested in pursuing, that way, it makes your university/program selection more intentional. And do not be afraid to email the university and ask questions!